Mark Rhoades is your July Athlete of the Month! You'll see him bright and early, usually at the 5:30am class. Mark is consistent and has come a long way in his time at NoCoast. While he's made major gains in the gym, CrossFit has become a training tool for what he really loves to do: backcountry skiing. For Mark, he is still passionate about the sport, and CrossFit simply supports more success on the mountain. We love this. Making life more exciting, enjoyable, and inevitably longer and healthier, is the ultimate goal for our members at NoCoast. Read on!
Age/Weight: 57, 150 pounds
How long have you been CrossFitting? I started at NoCoast in October, 2013.
Athletic/Sports history/highlights: While I ride bike a good deal, both mountain and road bike, my passion is back country skiing. In 1981 I moved to Boulder from Vermont. Shortly after moving here I met a group of guys who backcountry skied frequently and would do a couple of hut trips each year. At the time we were using skinny cross country skies with (3) pins bindings and leather boots. Very primitive gear by today's standards. As the gear improved over time we were able to ski more difficult terrain and travel more efficiently. I was a strict tele-mark skier for about 25 years but about (5) years ago I converted to alpine touring gear. With the progression of new materials the gear is very light and responsive allowing us to ski even more challenging terrain.
While I continue to ski frequently with the original group of guys I met in 1981, I spend about (40+) days per year skiing with my main ski buddy. We start each new season near the end of October in the alpine, climbing and skiing the new snow that collects in key areas. As the snow pack improves we move to other terrain based on current conditions. In the spring the snow pack starts to consolidate and we transition more towards ski mountaineering to climb and ski the steep terrain that is made safer with warmer weather. Like many die-hard skiers in the area we ski at least once a month year around. At this time we have skied 70 consecutive months.
How did you get into CrossFit? In September 2013 NoCoast had a booth at the Louisville Street Faire. My wife started talking with Sam about CrossFit and somehow we ended up with an offer to try working out for a month free of charge. My wife continued working out for a few months but eventually decided on an alternative work out. I have continued and typically workout at NOCoast (4) days per week. While the workout is great and certainly improves my skiing and overall health, one of my favorite aspects is the people.
What is your favorite WOD/CrossFit movement? I prefer the skill work as I am able to improve my technique and subsequently I am able to improve my performance.
What is your least favorite WOD/CrossFit movement? Slam ball - that is simply primitive.....
What is your most memorable CrossFit moment? When I started to realize that I was going to be able to keep up with the rest of the class.
How does nutrition play a role in your fitness and recovery? While I have always paid close attention to my diet and the nutritional value of what I eat, I have become more aware of how what I eat and drink supports my fitness over the last couple of years. This is particularly true when I ski multiple long hard days. The balance of food and hydration is critical. Additionally, monitoring my diet is key to ensuring that I get quality sleep and subsequently I am able to recover.
How has CrossFit improved your overall wellness? I think the most noticeable improvement for me is with stress management and the physical effects of stress. CrossFit helps to provide balance in my life.
Advice to new people: Go slow, be consistent, don't ever give up, you can do it.