Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Welcome our New Coaches!!

NoCoast Coaches
We are pleased to announce and welcome Joe and Coleigh to our team!

Joe Galbraith

Born and raised in Colorado, Joe has always been interested in sports and athleticism. Joe is what we call an “OG” in the CrossFit community with over five years of CrossFit experience. CrossFit has had a significant impact on Joe’s life and has changed him in many ways for the better. Throughout his CrossFit journey, he realized a passion for helping others achieve their CrossFit goals. This inspired him to begin coaching. He began his coaching career in March of 2012 coaching  the MERGE Flatirons Church group. His passion for coaching then lead him to completing his Level One Crossfit Certification in December of 2012. Joe has been training hard as a coach ever since and is excited to bring his experience and passion to the NoCoast community.

Coleigh Patrick

Born In West Palm Beach, FL. Coleigh has Lived in a variety of different places, including: California, Upstate NY, NYC, VA & MD. Coleigh has always been very competitive starting from the monkey bars at the playground to baseball, soccer, a little gymnastics, swimming, wrestling, Lifting, BMX, some martial arts, surfing, snowboarding and mountain biking.  At 19, as an Ocean Lifeguard in Boca Raton, FL., he competed at a national level with the team for 6 years. To this day he is still invited to compete with the BRBP to compete at Nationals every year! In 2005 he made a life change landing him in Superior, CO. where he’s lived since. He raced Downhill, 4 cross and duel slalom mountain bikes for the first 4 years excelling up in class every season to Semi Pro. Then he had two beautiful boys and lots of those activities took a back seat.

Introduced by a close friend through persistent persuasion, Coleigh gave CrossFit a try. After his first free WOD, he drove straight to his gym and quit, never looking back. Coleigh learned as much as possible and received his Level 1 certification in December of 2012. Teaching has always been a part of Coleigh’s DNA in the world of sports and continues to be with Crossfit. Nothing makes him happier to see results like that! He’s super stoked to be a part of such a great staff and crew of members at NoCoast. He is anxious to continue to learn, grow, and change NoCoast’s members lives for the better.