Rossiter is a unique two person stretching system. This technique involves the practitioner anchoring connective tissue in target areas while guiding you through a series of movements. It’s designed to restore mobility and function while reducing discomfort related to muscle tightness. In addition, it reduces pain and enhances sport performance, allowing people to live a more active, pain free lifestyle. The Rossiter System was developed by Richard Rossiter, certified advanced Rolfer since 1987. Our NoCoast Rossiter Coach, Ashley O’Connell, has advanced training with the Rossiter System.
Rossiter can:
- increase overhead range of motion allowing freer movements with Oly lifts
- loosen the lower legs to enable deeper squats
- work within the legs to help alleviate lower back pain
- address traps and arms to lessen the effects of sitting at a computer all day
Intro: free (December special)
Individual session: $35
4 pack $120
Non member:
Intro: free (December special)
Individual session: $45
4 pack: $160
Sessions are 30-40 minutes.
To schedule an appointment or talk to Ashley to see if this technique is right for you: 303.902.3288 or (website is under construction but will be up soon!).