We have been developing our tracks concept since we opened the gym a year ago. A year has passed and we want to readdress and reintroduce this model to you. We like to use the metaphor of each WOD being a mountain you have to ski/snowboard down. Different levels and abilities will direct each person to the trail they should go down. Same mountain, different ways to get down. We create a workout and the goal is for each member to conquer that wod in the safest way, and also the way that will hold true to the stimulus of the workout. Nobody wants to have a yard sale and spend time gathering their equipment or digging themselves out of powder, or taking their skis off and carrying them down the mountain. Same with workouts. We want you to take the right route for you each day.
Like the bunny slope, LiftOne is our beginners program that introduces the CrossFit methodology and the NoCoast approach to fitness to our new athletes. This program consists of nine classes, lasting three weeks. We will teach the majority of the movements seen in our regular WOD program, as well as give lectures on nutrition, technique vs. intensity, NoCoast rules and guidelines, and what is CrossFit?
In order for an athlete to graduate from our LiftOne program, they must attend all nine classes and have an understanding of all the movements and material covered. Once an athlete has completed our LiftOne program, they graduate to our regular WOD program and they’re placed on the Green Track.
Green Track:
Ready to take the big lift, but still in a learning phase? The Green Track is a place for our athletes to gain confidence and experience at NoCoast, while getting comfortable with movements and their individual abilities. We realize that a Green Track athlete is still figuring out the names of some of our movements and working on technique. We post workouts with modifications to most of our movements on the Green Track and never prescribe load or height for our movements in order to give our newer CrossFitters a chance to develop technique and strength. If you are able to scale up on some or all of the movements that is great and its the first sign of being ready for the Blue Track.
In order for an athlete to graduate from the Green Track, they must show the following three things:
- A clear understanding of all movements and the modification options to each movement.
- A clear understanding of your own abilities. We don’t expect you to have the strength or proficiency to do every movement, but in order to graduate to the Blue Track, you must be able to identify your abilities and know the proper scaling options to complete each workout (ex. ring rows for pull ups or 3x singles for double unders).
- You must know your 1 rep max for the majority of your lifts. Because we base all of our barbell movements off of percentages, you need to know these numbers in order to maximise your growth from our program. The best way to track your lifts is on Beyond the Whiteboard. (The following lifts are important to know - snatch, clean, jerk, deadlift, back squat, front squat, overhead squat, push press, and thruster).
Blue Track:
Know what's up and want to cruise along some fairly challenging terrain? Our Blue Track athletes are considered to be our experienced CrossFitters. Our number one requirement is that you have a technical understanding for the majority of CrossFit movements. We also expect our Blue Track athletes to know their own abilities. We don’t require you to be able to perform every movement, but you should know how to modify movements that you’re unable to perform. As a Blue Track athlete we also expect you to know your 1 rep maxes for the majority of our weight lifting movements.
In order for an athlete to graduate from the Green Track, they must show the following three things:
- You must be proficient at the majority of CrossFit movements.
- You must be able to complete the majority of CrossFit.com workouts as prescribed, including benchmark girl and hero WODs.
- You must have the desire and accountability to train and fuel your body properly, with a consistent training schedule and good nutrition throughout the week.
Black Track:
Experts-expect bumps, ice, trees, steep trails. And we expect you to make it out smoothly. Our Black Track is for a select few athletes who are able to complete our workouts at their highest levels. In order to be a Black Track athlete, you must meet the following standards:
You must be able to complete the majority of CrossFit.com workouts as prescribed.
You must be proficient at the majority of CrossFit movements; we have attached a movement list and you must be able to complete 80% of the listed movements (30/37).
You must have the desire and accountability to train and fuel your body properly on a consistent basis.
At NoCoast, our goal is to individualize workouts as much as possible in order for each individual to maximize their time and potential with us. Even though we consider our classes to be a competitive environment, it is not a competition. Using the right weight and modifications in a workout is the best way to continue to improve, increase your work capacity, and keep yourself safe. We have four tracks to help us identify your experience level, just because you are on the Green or Blue track does not mean you can’t scale up a movement or workout. If you are capable of doing muscle ups instead of burpee pull ups, we encourage you to modify up. Understand that each track has standards that need to be meet before moving on, but just because you are on a specific track doesn’t mean you can’t or shouldn’t do a version of a workout that is geared more to your skill and fitness level.