Thursday, January 1, 2015

January Athlete of the Month: Scott Hudson

Happy New Year! To kick the year off we'd like to introduce you to Scott Hudson. He is our first athlete of the month for 2015! Scott has been a great addition to NoCoast. His gymnastics skills challenge all of us to be better at pull ups, muscle ups, push ups, and, of course, the splits. Plus, he brought his son, Forrest, to the gym. We are excited to see this family reach their full potential as athletes! Read on to learn more about him!

Where is your hometown? Born in Wichita Falls, Texas, but consider Louisville my hometown since I've lived here a lot longer than any other place (almost 20 years).

Age/Weight? 56 years old and150 pounds

How long have you been CrossFitting? 8 months

Athletic/Sports history/highlights: I walked into a gymnastics gym at age 18 and was hooked.  I ended up competing on a college club team and got 5th place all-around when I was 26.  I have been an avid rock climber for the last 30 years.  Climbing has taken me all over the western US many times over.  The most recognized climb I have done is probably the east face of Long's Peak, also known as The Diamond.

How did you get into CrossFit? I drove by the NoCoast sign for several months before coming to a free Saturday class.  I was hooked instantly.  I haven't worked out this hard since I was a gymnast.  Every WOD feels so challenging and rewarding to me.

What is your favorite WOD and/or CrossFit movement? Anything that involves pulling fits my body well. 

What is your least favorite WOD and/or CrossFit movement? Overhead squats and wall ball are both really challenging for me due to ankle mobility problems.

What is your most memorable CrossFit moment? I have to say that my most memorable moments in xfit have been when someone really strong has commented on my strengths.  The encouragement I regularly get from so many strong athletes is part of what keeps me coming back. 

How has CrossFit improved your overall wellness? Seeing my leg strength and cardio endurance improve over the months has been like a fountain of youth for me.  And working out with my son has really enriched my relationship with him.  We always leave there saying how we can't wait for the next one.

Any advice for new people? Crossfit can be intimidating. It's common to think that today's WOD looks impossible, and then you do it and you feel that all of the difficult things in life are possible.