Ryan McGreary is a CrossFiter who joined NoCoast after moving to the area. We've been very impressed by his consistency, commitment to progress, and, most importantly, his challenge crushing abilities. In a short few months, Ryan has crushed the Airdyne challenge, Performance Challenge, and has shown up to two Friday Night Fights to throwdown. So, we figured we need to know more about what makes this guy tick. Enjoy!
Hometown: I grew up in Chester
Springs, Pennsylvania, but I lived in Northern Virginia for the last 14 years
before moving to Louisville several months ago.
Age/Weight/Height: 36 / 202lb / 6'4"
How long have you been CrossFitting: 15 months
Athletic/Sports history/highlights:
- Cut from the middle school basketball team as the 2nd tallest 7th grader. Embarrassing.
- Tried track and field soon after. Humiliating.
- Mandatory middle school swim class revealed I had a knack for chlorinated sports. Joined the local swim team that summer.
- Fastest 200y freestyle time in the country in 14&under age group. That PA State record still stands 22 years later.
- NCAA Division I Swimming at University of Virginia. Team Co-Captain.
- (insert bike accident and elbow dislocation that set back my collegiate athletic career.)
- (insert the lazy years post graduation where I lost my swimmer physique) (insert repeated elbow dislocations...don’t ask)
- Later, occasionally competed in running races, open water swims, and triathlons as a means of getting back in shape.
Favorite WOD/xfit movement:
“Ghost”: I’m not sure why, because burpees aren’t my friend, but I like
workouts with rowing and double unders. Also, Fight Gone Bad style workouts match how I
like to track improvement over time.
Least favorite WOD/xfit movement: I have two. One super short, and
one that took me forever. 1 min Airdyne for calories: I’ve never felt so much pain after any workout like that
Open 14.5: That was the first workout where I truly wanted to
give up and quit. I even asked my judge to keep an eye on me, because I started
to get tunnel vision.
Most memorable CrossFit moment:Struggling through the Over Head
Squats in Open 14.2. Getting repeated no-reps on the T2B in Open 14.4.
How does nutrition play a role in
your fitness and recovery? Unfortunately, “you
are what you eat” becomes truer with age. I certainly have my vices, and I
can binge eat like no other, but I have a better understanding about
how that will make me feel tomorrow. I feel my absolute best when I’m on a
healthy nutrition cycle, but it’s still hard to stay on it.
How has the transition to Black
Track been? Heavier. :-) It’s only been two weeks so far,
but I’m happy with the transition. I’ll be scaling MUs and HSPUs for a while
still, and I’m okay with finishing last. It’s given me some new goals to shoot
How has CrossFit improved your
overall wellness: The biggest benefit is keeping me
on a more even keel mentally. I impose a lot of work stress on myself, and the
time at the gym is a complete separation from that. Back when I used to swim,
bike, and run, my mind would wander and overthink the stresses of life. CrossFit
helps keep me focused away from all that nonsense – mainly because there isn’t
much room for wandering.
Physically, after letting myself
get soft for several years, it’s fun to recognize the benefits that come
with improved core strength and physical awareness. From slipping on ice and
catching yourself in a one-legged balancing act to handling the impact when the
kids perform the unexpected jump-off-the-couch-gimme-a-piggy-back-ride maneuver.
Advice to new people:
1. If you’re really new, that hip flexor pain that feels like you
seriously damaged something...don’t worry. It goes away in about a month.
2. Don’t worry about too much gear. A lacrosse ball, some athletic
tape, and a $7 speed rope can go a long way.
3. Struggling with OHS mobility? Try 10-20 over head air squats
with just a PVC every day before warmup.
4. No one is bothered if you finish last or can’t lift that weight.
Just show up and try to improve next time.